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Stand and deliver!

Scrapstore has delivered the first batch of hand-crafted, knitted blankets to Age UK Wandsworth to help keep vulnerable members of the community warm during the cost-of-living crisis. Seen in the photo are Scrapstore Operations Manager Jen Dolan handing over the blankets to Frank Colley, Deputy Manager at the Gwynneth Morgan Day Centre, operated by Age UK Wandsworth, which cares for the elderly, frail and those with dementia. The handover follows an unprecedented knitathon on the part of Scrapstore members and volunteers to knit as many six-inch squares as possible. The initiative began in December with free wool to collect from Scrapstore premises. Hundreds of squares were then delivered over January and February when volunteers began the mammoth task of sewing together the squares into cosy blankets. “We know that some of our residents are choosing between heating and eating and wanted to help in some way,” said Jen Dolan, Scrapstore’s Operations Manager. “As an arts and crafts charity this seemed the logical way forward; making beautiful items out of scrap materials is what we do best. All the wool knitted for the blankets has been diverted from landfill and incineration.“ Natalie de Silva, CEO Age UK Wandsworth commented: “This is a lovely thing Scrapstore has done to help people. We will be distributing them to those we know who need them.”

More blankets will be gifted to Age UK Wandsworth as and when they are completed. Our thanks go to Scrapstore members and volunteers – plus the volunteers of St Mary’s Church in Balham - who all spent hours creating these beautiful items.



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