Southwark Early Years conference

Catherine and Sascha were delighted to attend the Southwark Early Years conference on 18th March at Milwall Football Ground. We did not see any footballers, but what a lot of energetic practitioners, great ideas for improving children's learning and an inspiring key-note speaker Nancy Stewart.

Here is Catherine manning our stand showcasing the treasure to be found at the Scrapstore. We enjoyed exchanging ideas of what can be made with our 'scrap' materials and discussing our role in slowing down the waste-cycle to incineration or land-fill.
A lovely group of professionals joined us in a workshop to dress their own teddy with a variety of sample materials from the Scrapstore. We wondered whether their creations reflected their hidden personalities? Have a look at the photos and see what you think! We are wondering whether Ofsted Bear and Delilah the glamorous bear with earrings ever got together...
We are always delighted to get new members from the education sector and are hoping that many of the professionals that we met will encourage their schools and nurseries to join!
We are looking forward to welcoming Alex from Brunswick Park who won £100 for her school to put towards a year's membership of the Scrapstore.
Thank you to Georgia Pritchard, Southwark's Early Years Adviser for inviting us, and check out our gallery!