Opportunities at Work and Play Scrapstore

Book a Visit to the Scrapstore
The good news is that you no longer need to book a visit. Scrapstore members can drop in as they used to in pre-Covid days! We will however ask you to wear a facemask, sanitise your hands on arrival and follow our one-way system.
We welcome new members to the store. Please ask at reception or visit our Membership page for further information.
For health and safety reasons we cannot allow children under 12 in our store.
Help Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
Do not enter Scrapstore unless you are free from Covid-19 symptoms
Please wear a face covering
Do not use your mobile phone
Use your own bags for collecting
Unfortunately we cannot accommodate a waiting area for children or guests
Clean your hands at every Sanitising Station
Follow the One-Way System
Maintain 2-metre social distancing at all times
Please try to limit what you touch
Only contactless payments are accepted
Toilets are closed to members at this time